Friday, October 30, 2009

This Is It

Cast : Michael Jackson and crew of This Is It Concert

WOW!!! Kata pertama yang harus saya katakan setelah menonton film ini. Atau perlu kata lain? Jika iya, yang akan saya katakan adalah INCREDIBLE, AWESOME, COOL, dan istilah-istilah lain yang bisa menggambarkan kepuasan tingkat tinggi setelah memperoleh sesuatu.

Okay, film ini adalah film dokumenter tentang persiapan konser berjudul "This Is It", yang dipersembahkan oleh King of Pop, Michael Jackson (MJ), kepada para penggemarnya. Jadi ya selama kurang lebih 100 menit penonton akan disuguhi dengan serangkaian persiapan MJ untuk konsernya kali ini. Mulai dari pemilihan para penari latar, latihan koreografi (yang membuat saya ingin ikut bergoyang dari tempat duduk saya), latihan menyanyi, pembuatan grafis-grafis, dll. MJ beserta seluruh kru-nya mempersiapkannya dengan sangat detail.

Saya pribadi bukan penggemar MJ. Saya hanya tau beberapa lagu MJ seperti Heal The World (Oww yeah, siapa yang tidak tau lagu ini?), Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Thriller, I'll Be There, dan beberapa lagu lain. Walaupun ada lagu favorit yang tidak dimainkan di film ini, tapi semuanya terbayar dengan menyaksikan film ini, menyaksikan bagaimana suasana persiapan konser ini, dan segala hal didalamnya. Yang jelas film ini membuat saya kehabisan kata-kata untuk memberikan pujian yang pantas didapatkan (menurut saya lhoo.)

Film ini sukses bikin saya terkagum-kagum dengan sosok MJ. Padahal dulu tuh, pas masih hidup, dibilang ngefans ya nggak juga. Hanya memang beberapa lagunya saya tau. Tapi biar bagaimanapun, film ini sangat worth to watch. Saya sempat heran juga tidak ada antrian panjang untuk film ini (at least di Jogja). Kemudian saya berpikir, mungkin karena saya menonton di hari pertama pemutaran jadi belum banyak yang tau, atau karena disini bukan Amerika yang memiliki banyak penggemar fanatik MJ (walaupun saya yakin di Jogja juga ada penggemar fanatiknya). Semoga saya tidak dianggap berlebihan, karena saya bisa memberikan 4 jempol untuk film ini atau mungkin setara dengan 5 dari 5 bintang. Best documentary movie so far. :)

PS. For your information, berdasarkan trailer, film ini hanya diputar selama 2 minggu di bioskop. Terhitung tangal perilisannya, 28 Oktober 2009, maka hari terakhir pemutarannya adalah 8 November 2009. Tapi gak tau ya, apakah bioskop Indonesia juga akan menerapkan 'peraturan' ini juga atau tidak. You better watch it before it's too late. Hahaha. :)

I'm not an expert on movie, so my notes is just an opinion from an ordinary audience of a movie.

-dimas daniel-

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Movie Recap

Teman-teman, saya kembali memberikan post tentang review film. Langsung beberapa film aja yaa. Let's begin!


This is Kate Beckinsale's movie. Ceritanya tentang investigasi pembunuhan di Antartika. Can you imagine, working in Antartica? Jadi dia ceritanya jadi kind of inspector, dan dapat tugas seperti tadi. Berhasilkah dia mengungkap siapa pembunuh di area super dingin itu? Just find out on Whiteout. Well, menurut saya, di beberapa bagian film ini cukup bikin tegang. Tetap worth to watch. Rates : 3 of 5 stars.


Saya cukup berharap banyak dari film ini. Secara yang jadi pemainnya Aming & Fahrani. Tapi gak tau kenapa, saya sih kurang puas. Too many unfunny jokes dan agak sedikit dipaksain. Ceritanya juga agak tidak sesuai sama judulnya. Aming yang perjaka dan agak 'lembut', mendadak diajak nikah sama Fahrani yang metal (real metal) dan gangster. Alhasil, Aming terjebak di kehidupan Fahrani. Gimana akhirnya? Nonton aja Perjaka Terakhir. My rates : 2 of 5 stars.


Aduh bingung! Bukan karena ceritanya, tapi jujur saya punya kelemahan tentang film kolosal. Hahaha. Pokoknya intinya, ada sebuah kerajaan yang terancam hancur, terutama setelah tampu kekuasaan baru saja berganti dari Kaisar lama ke Kaisar baru yang merupakan anak dari kaisar lama yang baru berumur sekitar 14 TAHUN!! Sekuat tenaga, si Kaisar baru ini mempertahankan negerinya. Dibantu beberapa orang kepercayaannya, berhasilkah kaisar ini mempertahankan negerinya? Just watch, Last Legion. I give you a little info and I hope it's not a spoiler. Film ini ada kaitannya dengan sebuah film kolosal lain, yang baru akan diceritakan di akhir film Last Legion ini. Hehehe. Anyway, it's a great movie. My rates : 3.5 of 5 stars.


This is my favorite movie in a year so far!! Totally entertaining, funny, romantic, and totally worth to watch!! Katherine Heigl ang Gerald Butler are a great couple. Walaupun tadinya saya tidak tau yang mana Katherine Heigl, tapi it's okay. Ceritanya, Kath adalah seorang produser yang terpaksa bekerja sama dengan Gerald seorang host yang urakan. Saya cukup speechless untuk menceritakan total isi film ini. Pengennya semuanya nonton film ini, karena memang bagus banget. My rates : 4.5 of 5 stars!!!!


Agak telat ya baru nonton, emang telat masuk Jogja sih. DAN..... KEREN TOTAL!!! Jason Statham is a new action star! Actionnya keren, adrenalin saya ikut terpacu, pokoknya seru banget! Soundnya juga mendukung. Untuk film-film keren, saya selalu speechless. There's no other word than AWESOME!!! My rates : 4.5 of 5 stars.


What a long title, huh? Never mind! The story is unique, fresh jokes, a lot of message inside. Great animation movie. Ceritanya tentang seorang pria yang terobsesi menjadi penemu sejak dia dari kecil. Mulai dari spray sepatu sampai mesin pembuat makanan, lantaran di kotanya hanya ada makanan sarden. Namun belakangan, mesin pembuat makanan itu jadi bermasalah. Sebagai penemu, dia harus bertanggung jawab. Gimana akhirnya? Just see it! This is another awesome movie. My rates : 4 of 5 stars.

I'm not an expert on movie, so my notes is just an opinion from an ordinary audience of a movie.

-dimas daniel-

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Recap of Movie Reviews (Postpone post)

Hai fellas. I'm so sorry for my late post. After my holiday then my mid-term test begin, I almost have no time to write. Huhu. Although I'm still on mid-term, I try to spare my time to write down a post. It still about movie. These are movies that I watched during my Ied's holiday until today. :)


It's a horror-thriller from Thailand. This was a sequel from the previous movie, 4BIA. FYI, this movie was exclusively show on Blitz Megaplex only, so if you want to watch this movie, go to blitz near to you *Unfortunately, there's no blitz in Yogyakarta. Haha*. Okay, I haven't watch the first one yet, so I can make a comparison between those. I just know that 4Bia was made by 4 different horror stories and 4 different directors. Same formula is using also on Phobia 2, but the different is there are 5 horror stories from 5 different directors in 1 movie. First one is about karma of a young monk, then about a hospital patient, next is about a woman car sales, then about a bagpackers, and the last one is about movie production. This movie was extremely entertaining for me and its worth to watch. my rates 3.5 of 5 stars. :)


I've been waiting for so long to watch this movie, but Jogja's cinema never play it yet. Lucky me, it still showed in Jakarta. It's kind of a simple story about a man (role by Brendan Fraser) who can make an imagination from a book become a real thing when he read it aloud. But, each time one thing become real, one person was disappear and set into a book. Well it's going to be a long review if I describe it all. I like this movie. It's entertaining me a lot. My rates 3 of 5 stars. ;)


Another family movies. There are some cute hamsters in a team, named G-Force. They were a spy-sweetie-hammy team that have to save the world. With a great weapon, a great technology, and a great teamwork, they fight for it. I love this movie. But, I had a little disappointment when I watched this movie. For the first time, I watched a movie in 3D. And.... OMG it was soooo expensive for me : 70K IDR for a ticket. Holy..... But anyway, it just an experience for me. This movie was so much fun, entertaining, and for all animal lovers, u're gonna love it. My rates : 3 of 5 stars. ;)


I can't describe about the genre of this movie. From the poster and synopsys, I guess it's kind of horror-thriller. But, after I watched it, hhmm..... I don't think it's kind of horror. The story is about a pregnant woman who got accident just a moment before she born her child. It made her baby dies on pregnancy. But the woman keep the baby until the birth date come. Well, sorry to say, this is not my genre. I watched this movie because of the poster and the synopsys. My rates 1.5 of 5 stars.


I have a big expectation for this movie. I think this is the first Indonesian animation movie in cinema. AND I LOVE IT!!! It's a great movie. Tells about a defence from a girl for her land. Simple story, but I love it. Full of stars as the dubbers, there are Gita Gutawa, Patton, Shanty, Ria Irawan *as a lizzard, and it makes me laugh a lot*, Shanty, Cut Mini, Indra Bekti, etc.. With some plus-minus points, but it's okay. I appreciate this movie a lot and I proud of this movie. GREAT JOB for Nia Dinata and team of Kalyana Shira. My rates 4 of 5 stars. :)


I watched the first one, so I watched the sequel. With a replacement cast of Rendy, which roled by Richard Kevin in first series, now it roles by Nino Fernandez. That's not a big deal. It still funny, entertaining, and a smart joking from the cast especially Nirina, Aming, Desta, Ringgo, Jaja Miharja, etc.. One point about this movie, Nirina is really pregnant on this movie. She looks fatter than the usually. Latest news, I heard this movie has reached 1 million audiences. WOW! Great!! My rates 4 of 5 stars. :)


Another collaboration from Tora Sudiro and Vincent, after Tri Mas Getir and Benci Disko. Well, I think Tora was stuck on his act. I like him when he played on Arisan. But, day by day he always play in a comedy genre and unfortunately, I don't like his comedy. Because it always show kind of toilet things, poopy thing,s and other dirty things. Well, some people thinks that was funny. But, HELLLOOOOO....... that was a privacy things and it was a shame when it became a public show. Okay, CMIIW... hehee. Not a special movie, my rates 2 of 5 stars. ;)


As you all know, The Grudge was a Hollywood version of Ju-On. It already reached the third chapter. I never watched the 2 chapters before. Hehe. But for me, this movie has a little scared or shocked moment. I expected I will scream a loud when I watch it, but It didn't happen. This chapter tells about a woman who wants to stop the curse of Ju-On itself. Well, for me it just a simple horror, maybe I should watch the Japanese version the watch the 2 chapter of The Grudge itself. hehe. My rates 3 of 5 stars.


WOW! I want my own surrogates! hahahaha. I just sit in my own room, the my switch robot to do all of my activities. It will be fun I think. But this movie shows the problem of using surrogates. When your surrogates die, and so the human who direct it. Bruce Willis still on the great performance, although not the greatest. In an early minutes, I got boring, but scene by scene are getting better. And it got the climax. GREAT! 3.5 of 5 stars.

Well guys, those are my review so far. FYI, I've made my new record : I watched 4 movies in a row in one day on cinema. Haha. Okay, Next time I'll post more not only about movie, but about all my experience or my opinion or anything else. Thanx guys for your attention, with a warm greet, dimz out!!

I'm not an expert on movie, so my notes is just an opinion from an ordinary audience of a movie.

-dimas daniel-